Media Training

Be prepared for your next interview

One of the most important ways to share your airportโ€™s messages is through the media, but handling media inquiries, writing press releases, pitching stories and preparing for live or recorded interviews can be a daunting task. Demystify the process and become more effective in getting the story you want by taking a media training course taught by the Aviatrix Communications team.

With both a former journalist an experienced airport PIO on the Aviatrix team, our media trainings are thorough, effective and designed specifically for our individual clients and their spokespeople. Through this program, trainees will learn about the best methods for dealing with print, television, and digital media. There are also lessons about effective techniques for on-camera interviews, dealing with โ€œgotchaโ€ journalists, and the most important questions to ask every reporter. Other important topics covered include body language, bridging techniques, and what to wear on camera.

This training course also includes on-camera practice interviews. Always the most powerful part of the course, these recorded interviews permit real-time feedback designed to help spokespeople improve their on-screen presence.
Let our team help prepare you for your next interview with the media. Reach out to us today to schedule your media training.